Monday, May 2, 2011

MOMS by Blog Dog Dan

Picture-3What are the "odds" that you know what two events have these things in common - racing, hats, and flowers?  I "bet" you knew it was the Kentucky Derby held on Saturday, May 7, and Mother's Day celebrated on Sunday, May 8.  

The Kentucky Derby is an exciting race for three-year-old Thoroughbred horses.  It's called "The Run of the Roses" for the 554 roses that are awarded to the winner!  It's also known for the large hats that some women for the event, sporting some serious "hatitude!" 

Mother's Day celebrates mothers and motherhood.  Mothers wear a lot of hats (meaning they have a lot of different responsibilities), and they're always racing around, trying to handle all those responsibilities.  Moms love homemade gifts, getting flowers (not 554 though), and dining out on Mother's Day. 

If you want some good laughs with Mom, watch The Incredibles, the Ugly Dachshund, or Please Don't Eat the Daisies.  If you have time, watch this 15-minute segment from the Ugly Dachshund: you only have a couple of minutes, watch this music video in celebration of Mother's Day:

Now, guess who these children and mothers are? These pictures are about 40 years old!