Wednesday, May 11, 2011


I'm going a little off my orbital path this week and getting a little spaced out, too!  I think we all need some "breathing space" after all that pig talk, er, pig Latin, from Blog Hog!!!

I hope you've been able to go to the movies or to some of the great May festivals, but I can also recommend a great video to watch at home - Buzz Lightyear of Star Command.

Here are some planetary events to look forward to this month:

May 11:  I hope you got up early this morning and saw Venus and Jupiter together!  They are the two brightest planets in our solar system, and you can actually see Venus in broad daylight today.  GO LOOK!! 
May 13:  Mercury, Venus, and Jupiter form a bright triangle.
May 20:  Mars, Venus, and Mercury will form a triangle (Mars will not be as bright as Venus and Mercury, so you may need binoculars).
May 30:  A crescent moon will join the four planets, so you'll see five lights in the eastern sky!

Here's a pretty picture I took of the morning sky a few days ago'  I like the pink and purple:  
Want to know more about the "real" colors of the planets (and dwarf planet) - well, I'll just "color your world" then:
Mercury - orange
Venus - yellow
Earth - blue, brown, green
Mars - red
Jupiter - yellow, red, brown, and white
Saturn - yellow
Uranus - green
Neptune - blue
Pluto - yellowish brown

This little video is a must-see, watch little Pocoyo in Colour My World.  Video