Wednesday, May 18, 2011


You know what Hamilton thinks about all this bathing and brushing, don't you?
pig bath :)
H  O  G  W  A  S  H  !

I learned these facts by "word of mouth" - the first toothbrushes used pig bristles or hair from the neck of wild boars!  The nylon toothbrush like you use today was not invented until 1938, but brushing teeth in the USA did not become routine until after World War II, when American soldiers had to clean their teeth daily!

Now, I've got some really "clean" jokes for you today, like you knew I would:

Q: Which villians steal soap from the tub?
A:  Robber ducks!

Q: Where does a vampire take a bath?
A:  In the bat-room!

Q:  What animal do you look like when you get into a bath?
A:  A little bear!

Q:  What happened to the tiger who took a bath three times a day?
A:  He was spotless!

Q:  What dog loves to take bubble baths?
A:  A shampoodle!

I got away with those jokes by "the skin of my teeth!"  You'll love this video:  Central Park: Salamander's Bubble Counting Song