Saturday, May 14, 2011


We're still working out the "bugs" and will be posting a delicious recipe tonight!  Here's a hint: It will be a "knockout punch!"
Christie and I, as you know, have been on this planet a long time.  Fossils show that insects were here 350 million years ago.  In fact, insects outnumber all other animals by 4 to 1.  There are 29 orders of insects; most insect order names end in ptera, which comes from the Greek word pteron, meaning wing. 

Christie is in the order Orthoptera, which includes grasshoppers, locusts, katydids, and crickets.  They are one of the largest orders (20,000 species) of herbivorous insects.  I am in the order Dictyoptera, which includes roaches and mantids.  There are about 6,000 species in this order.  That reminds me, Christie, Arnold Ziffel played cricket with a miniature bat in one episode.  I wonder if a reader could find that episode for us?

Our recipe tonight is not rocket science, folks, and takes a LOT less time than it does for Pluto to orbit the sun (248 years)!  This recipe came from Vickie and it's called Iggy Pop Punch, and yes, it does contain bananas..... 

3 cups sugar
6 cups water
5 bananas
12-oz. can frozen lemonade
46 oz. pineapple juice
46 oz. apricot nectar
2 (2-liter) bottles of ginger ale

Bring sugar and water to a boil for 10 minutes and let cool. In a blender, combine bananas and lemonade together.  In a large container, mix cooled sugar water with lemonade mixture.  Add pineapple juice and apricot nectar.  Freeze punch.  Two hours before serving, put punch in punch bowl and add ginger ale.  I use half of the frozen mixture to about 1/2-3/4 bottle of ginger ale for a regular-sized punch bowl.
Here's a picture of Vickie's niece, Hayle, helping Vickie's father feed this calf on his farm in North Dakota. 
This little calf is really tugging on that bottle of milk!  I wonder if his name is Oreo?
It must have been finger-lickin' good!