Friday, May 13, 2011


I'm going up, up, and away into the wild blue yonder!

Actually, I felt like running away after I had such a tough time getting this post published!  The server was down for a day and I’m posting this late on Friday night!
Tom set the bar pretty high this week throwing out the President card!  I looked up my name, and although it has a beautiful meaning (brightness of flame), I couldn't relate it to a President!  My name was only used for companies that make products for awnings and camper and motorhome accessories.  What was most disturbing was the number of restaurants named Fiamma, which I hope iguana wasn’t featured on the menu! 

While I wasn't named after a person of significance, I did find out that the emcee of the very first PATSY awards in 1951 was Ronald Reagan.  He was an actor before he got into politics, first as Governor of California and then as as our 40th President.  In his acting career, he is most remembered for the comedy film Bedtime for Bonzo, in which he played a professor trying to teach morals to a chimpanzee.  It was his least favorite movie and he never even saw it!

iggy pop ...While Tom has Thomas Jefferson as his namesake, I have this fine fellow….IGGY POP.  He was born James Newell Osterberg, Jr., and began calling himself “Iggy” after his first band in high school, the Iguanas.  He also called himself “Rock Iguana.” He made albums entitled Nights of the Iguana and the Iguana Chronicles.   Yep – he’s got iguana all over him!  He was also friends with David Bowie (Space Oddity), as you will remember from Major Tom’s post.  Funny how all that ties in, isn’t it?  I’m just all giddy…

That being said, I'll "countdown" the animals that were featured on Green Acres:
7. Arnold Ziffel -the Ziffels' pig
6. Mignon - the Douglass’ dog
5. Eleanor - the Douglass’ cow
4. Drobney - the Douglass’ duck
3. Bertram - the Douglass’ rooster
2. Alice - the Douglass’ hen
1. Cynthia - Mr. Haney's Bassett Hound (she had a crush on Arnold)

BLAST OFF!  I'm going to make my own place in history - the first iguana in space (gosh, I really miss my "space" heater out here!)

Enjoy Dancing in the Moonlight from Space Buddies: Video