Thursday, May 19, 2011


I need to "brush up" on my HISStory of hygiene, obviously, but I'm with Hamilton on the bathing and brushing routines!  I even asked Charlotte if I smelled okay, and she said I did!  Even though I don't take baths, I do like to get groomed and, boy, does the fur fly!  Here are two of my favorite tools for brushing my coat.  
My coat is very fine and does not matt, but I do have to be careful about getting a sunburn.  In fact, the vet said that with my white coat and blue eyes, I could have been born deaf.  Many people think the reason Dalmatians are used in firehouses is because they are deaf and won't get startled by the loud alarms.  That's not true, so why don't you relax  in a bubble bath and I'll tell you the facts, and hopefully it won't be too spotty! 

It all started way back in the stagecoach days.  As you know, horses are very social animals and don't like to be left alone too long.  Dalmatians are highly compatible and protective of horses.  Not only did the Dalmatians keep the horses company when they weren't working, but they also ran alongside the coach, sometimes for as long as 20 to 30 miles a day!  The drivers also used Dalmatians to prevent horse theft at night. That's how they got the nickname of "coach dogs."  In the firehouses, horses were used to pull the pumper wagons, and Dalmatians would run alongside of those, as well.  During the long waits between fires, Dalmatians would keep the horses company.   

While there are no longer horses at the firehouses, the tradition of having Dalmatians is still carried on because of their intelligence, athletic ability, and companionship.  I'm sure you have seen the movie 101 Dalmatians to know how wonderful these dogs are.  Now it's time to get out of your bath and watch this video of a Dalmation riding a bike!
I've got on sunscreen!