Wednesday, April 13, 2011


Are you ready for some more jokes to get you through the week?  Since we've been talking about Earth Day, it's "natural" for me to share these jokes witih you today!

Q.  How can you tell the ocean is friendly?
A.  It waves.

Q.  When is the moon the heaviest?
A.  When it's full.

Q.  Why did the leaf go to the doctor?
A.   It was feeling green.

Q.  What kind of tree can fit into your hand?
A.  A palm tree!

Q.  How do trees get on the internet?
A.  They "log" in.

Q.  What did the tree wear to the pool party?
A.  Swimming trunks.

Q.  What is a tree's least favorite month?
A.  Sep-timber!

Now, if you want to see something really funny, look at Charlotte giving her "daddy" a nibble on the ear after coming home from  a business trip and look at Caesar hiding behind a post!