Thursday, May 12, 2011


Deep thoughts
Fast paws!

After reading Dan's blog about Pluto and how the dwarf planet got its name, I started thinking about my name - Major Thomas Jefferson Cat, or Major Tom.  I researched Thomas Jefferson first, and I almost fell off my barstool and had to grab the edge quickly so I wouldn't fall over!  Let me give you some facts and you will be impressed and amused:
  • Thomas Jefferson was the third President of the United States and was considered one of the greatest American Presidents that ever lived and one of the most intriguing. 
  • Jefferson was the chief writer of the Declaration of Independence (1776).
  • Jefferson founded, designed, and built the University of Virginia.
  • He's on the nickel!
  • Thomas Jefferson started the presidential tradition of shaking hands with visitors instead of bowing.
  • He kept a mockingbird named Dick in the White House study, and let the bird ride on his shoulder.  When Jefferson went upstairs, Dick would hop up after him, step after step.
  • Jefferson was once given a 1,235 pound hunk of cheese, giving us the term "the big cheese."
  • Jefferson was a very gifted violin player, but he broke his wrist trying to impress a woman and it never fully healed afterwards.
  • He wrote over 20,000 letters in his lifetime.
  • He took a cold foot bath every morning for 60 years.
That was close!
As far as "Major Tom," he is a fictional astronaut by the singer David Bowie, heard in three of his songs: Space Oddity, Ashes to Ashes, and Hallo Spaceboy

Everybody is talking about my Presidential name now - just look:

Can you believe that Doris?
My name is George W. Bushy!

That's major, Major Tom!

Click the link to the song Space Oddity