Tuesday, March 29, 2011


(If you're new to my page, please read my introduction from March 22, 2011.)

DEAR TABBY:  I am a 7-year-old Golden Retriever in Dallas, Texas.  My issue is that I have put on about 10 extra pounds in the last couple of years by snacking between meals and not exercising every day.  My family is going on vacation next month and I want to have the energy to be able to play on the beach all day.  Can you give me some ideas to get back to a healthier lifestyle? - DOG TIRED IN DALLAS

DEAR DOG TIRED:  Unfortunately, yours is a common problem.  With busy lifestyles, we tend to skip regular meals and snack on junk food.  By doing this, we don't provide our bodies with the energy we need to exercise, which can lead to excess weight and unhealthy bodies.  I would suggest a balanced breakfast and dinner, one healthy snack in between, and include fun exercise such as walking or jogging, fetching a ball or Frisbee, or swimming in the warmer months.  Yoga would also be a natural exercise for you - start with upward dog and downward dog.  Be sure that you are really "doggin' it" and you will be ready for those "dog days of summer" in no time!  For inspiration, check out Charlotte doing down dog and going for a walk, and Caesar doing down dog and raking the yard.