Thursday, March 24, 2011


My full name is Major Thomas Jefferson Cat.  I usually go by Major Tom, Thomas, Tom, or Tommy.  When I lived in Las Vegas, my owners called me Tommy, but when I moved to Texas (where everything has to be BIG), my new owners gave me a BIG NAME! 

I often sit around and think about things (this is a picture of me on my window perch with my catnip-filled strawberry toy).  Boy, life really is great!  I also live in a house with two large and noisy dogs, Charlotte and Caesar, and an iguana, Fiamma. 

My post will be featured every Thursday, and I will be sharing my thoughts with you on “What is Major Tom Thinking About Today?”  By nature, we are a curious species, and I hope you enjoy pondering and learning new things as much as I do! 

Here are a few things to ponder:

Why doesn't McDonald's sell hotdogs?
Do you yawn in your sleep?
Why do they put holes in crackers?
Why does a round pizza come in a square box?
Do you open your eyes or wake up first?