Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Dear Tabby

Hi, new friends!  My name is Tabby Cat and I give answers to my readers' questions on Dear Tabby.  Join me on Tuesdays (and maybe Thursdays) for some "catty" opinions to your problems.  I would enjoy hearing your comments to my answers, as well as your questions, too.  Maybe you'll see your question published on my post!  Keep reading!!

Dear Tabby:  I go to a small play group on Wednesdays and Fridays.  There is one Labrador Retriever that always goes after the ball that is thrown for me.  How can I tell him in a nice way that "sharing is caring" when playing in a group?  
Frustrated in Flower Mound

Dear Frustrated:  Unfortunately, this is a common complaint in play groups.  Everyone gets excited and wants to have fun when they are around their friends and fun toys, and some breeds can fetch a ball all day long.  I would suggest talking to the Lab first to let him know there is a problem and see if you can take turns.  If this does not work out, you can join another play group that shares more fairly or go to a play group on different days (maybe Mondays and Thursdays).  I'm sure that once you talk to your friend, he will be more than happy to "share the fun."  Remember, Lab stands for Loves-All-Balls.  Good Luck!
Tabby Cat