Thursday, June 9, 2011


Since all the bloggers at BDD were talking about the sun and being hot, I got in the mood to do some hot yoga (it was 98 degrees outside!).  I got this book at the store and asked Charlotte if she would like to help me.  As you can see, I pulled out some mats, but Charlotte thought it was a little windy outside.  She and Caesar sometimes go to Sunstone and do the classes there, but I usually stay home and "stretch" out my muscles in the sun.  You've seen their poses in earlier posts, but I'll show you the stretches and poses I learned from the book and the two yogis!  The cat poses should come naturally, but I'll need some help from Caesar and Charlotte with upward dog and downward dog.

Yoga brings the body and mind together - it is structured on breathing, exercise, and meditation.  Yoga probably arrived in the United States in the late 1800s, but it did not become widely known until the 1960s.  Hatha yoga is the most popular form of yoga.  Om and Namaste are two common practices in yoga classes.  Om is usually chanted before class, which creates harmony and unity between the teacher and students.  Namaste is spoken at the end of the class with your head bowed and your hands together at your chest.  It is used throughout the world as a greeting or goodbye, and is an expression of good will, gratitude, and respect.

Chanting Om before class

Warming up and stretching before pose
Seated triangle pose
Getting frustrated after I fell out of plough pose

I didn't think he was going to pull that one off!

Going into the difficult crane pose

Saying namaste after class

I made it!  Charlotte and Caesar said that if I practice regularly, I can do it as good as they can! Let's watch and see if Yogi Bear is really a "yogi" bear?