Friday, June 10, 2011


Pigs on the beach, huh - that sounds like a luau!  Luaus do have beautiful flowers, but not as bright and beautiful as the sunflower above - the state flower of Kansas.  Actually, Kansas ranks third in both sunflower acreage and production behind North Dakota and South Dakota!  

Here's a little history (and you should read more on Lewis and Clark and all the reasons for their expedition): Thomas Jefferson (our 3rd president) commissioned the famous expedition of Meriwether Lewis and William Clark from 1804-1806 (across 2,000 miles), the first United States expedition to the Pacific Coast.  During their expedition, Lewis and Clark saw how Native Americans used sunflowers for flour, seeds, oil, and even dye for body paint and fabrics.  About the same time, it's thought that Russian immigrants carried sunflower seeds to Kansas.  Due to its popularity, the sunflower was named Kansas’ official state flower in 1903.  You can read Eric Carle's story, The Tiny Seed, to understand the miracle of a seed.
As you can see, I'm getting ready to hop in the bath and put on one of my favorite dresses with pretty sunflowers on it.  While I'm getting ready, you can munch on the delicious sunflower facts below! 
  • Sunflower seeds are good for the heart.  They are rich in fiber, zinc, calcium, iron, magnesium, and selenium.  They also have high levels of vitamins B and E! 
  • The scientific name for sunflower is Helianthus annuus, latin for flower of the sun.  Scientifically, the seeds aren't really seeds - they're edible fruits of flowers that look like seeds!
  • Each sunflower consists of about 1000-2000 seeds and it takes about three months for a sunflower to mature.  There are three kinds of sunflower seeds – black oil, striped, and white. 
  • Sunflower seeds can be roasted, unroasted, salted, unsalted, with the kernel or without it, spiced, chocolate-covered, mint covered, barbecued, honey roasted, or sprouted!  Sunflower seeds are also used to make sunflower seed butter, much like peanut better except its a lot more healthier.
  • Birds love sunflower seeds!  Planting a few in your garden or farm is the easiest way to attract birds.
Now, I'm in the mood for Sunshine, Lollipops, and Rainbows!