Thursday, July 14, 2011


I'm thinking about beehive hairdos like they wore in the '60s!  In fact, I worked all day to get my hair just right (made it the same color as my tag) and it made me so tired..... Actually, my allergies are acting up and it bothers my eyes (do you have the same problem this time of year?)  Before I take my allergy medication and go to bed, we've got some hair-raising issues to talk about!

This is Marge Simpson with a fantastic beehive, also known as the bouffant or the B52!  This hairstyle was popular in the late 1950s, as a change from the pageboys and ponytails worn in the early to mid '50s.  Popular hairstyles in the 1940s included curled shoulder-length hair and updo's such as the chignon and the omelet fold.  The beehive lost its popularity with the flower-child generation in the late '60s, where women wore their hair long and loose with bangs that were straight cut across their forehead.

Well, that was a little "hairy," but I've also been learning about bees and their hives.  You know my post is the "bee’s knees.”  This means the "height of excellence."   The expression is thought to come from the fact that most bees carry pollen pressed into the hairs on their hind legs (in the middle area that we would call our knees), while some carry it in the hairs that cover their ventral abdomen.  Only the honeybees and their relatives (bumblebees, carpenter bees, orchid bees, etc.) have a specialized "pollen basket" on their hind legs.  I would have named it a "pollen purse."  You can see the bee below with the pollen balled up in her basket!

I have been a real "busy bee" today with gathering all these facts, but I also found a funny cartoon to share with my hive!
I have also found a funny video to the Foundations song, Build Me Up, Buttercup."  I wish the audio was better, but the pictures can't be beeeeeeeeeet! (I know it's beat - don't have a bee in your bonnet) 
Have a wonderfully BZZZZZY day!