Thursday, July 7, 2011


Naturally, I think the cat would have made a perfect symbol for the Great Seal - we're majestic, have great strength and flexibility, and have a long life - MAKE THAT 9 LIVES!!!  That would have been the cat's pajamas!

Do you remember Jamey from his visit a few months ago?  He left me this really cool motorcycle helmet just in case I decided to go riding with him one day.  I haven't quite figured out how to put it on, but I gave it a good try!
You know Charlotte and Caesar love wigs and dressing up, so they put on their favorite hats, too! Charlotte looks stunning, but Caesar's being a little shy about his golf visor!

I went around the Clinic to ask the squirrels and ducks what they thought about a cat being on the State Seal, and I got the feeling they were avoiding me:
Was it really necessary to dive into a hole in a tree?
I can still see you!
You can't hide under that big bushy tale!
I see you looking at me - come on down!
Hey, guys, turn around!

You're about to fall over trying to avoid looking at me!
How can you be too tired to answer?

Finally, a friendly face. 
Gio said a cat should have been the symbol for our State Seal!

Have you read the series Catwings?  It's about four young cats with wings whose mother makes them leave the city slums in search of a safe home in the country (four books).   
 Catwings by Ursula K. Le Guin
A great classic - you've surely read The Cat in the Hat.  
What about a cat that wears a hat and boots?  Puss in Boots was a French fairy tale written by Charles Perrault and was first published in 1697 (published in English in 1729).  Its original French title was Le Maistre Chat, ou Le Chat Botté (booted cat) and was an instant success!  Ooh-la-la!
  Now, of course, we have to watch the preview of the new Puss in Boots movie:

How about watching these little cuties, Chip n' Dale, in Chicken in the Rough?